Buildings for sale in Oregon

32 results
F - Grants Pass, OR
Grants Pass, 1013 SW K Street, Josephine, OR

Commercial building

F - Grants Pass, OR
Grants Pass, 1007 SW K Street, Josephine, OR

Commercial building

Commercial - Grants Pass, OR
Grants Pass, 4784/4986 Monument Drive, Josephine, OR

Commercial building

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F - Grants Pass, OR
Grants Pass, 1694 Dowell Road, Josephine, OR

Commercial building

Warehouse - Brookings, OR
Curry County, 16522 ENGLISH DR, Curry, OR

Commercial building • 178.37 m²

Other - Pistol River, OR
Gold Beach, 94667 N Bank Pistol River RD, Curry, OR

Commercial building • 836.13 m²

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